Wie geht es weiter mit Cyborgs, Neuro-Technologien, Machine-Learning und dem menschlichen Körper? Das debattieren wir auf einer Konferenz des Forschungsprojektes Futurebody, ausgerichtet vom Karlsruher Institut für Technologie und der Uni Freiburg. Die Konferenz findet am Freitag, 02. September 2022 an der TU Berlin sowie im Internet statt. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos, aber es wird um Registrierung per E-Mail an futurebody2022@itas.kit.edu gebeten. Da sagt ihr dann bitte, ob ihr vor Ort oder online teilnehmen möchtet. Teil des Programms ist auch das Film-Festival BIO-FICTION statt, das ohne Registrierung besucht werden kann.

The Future of the Technological Human Body in Light of Its Present & Past
TU Berlin, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin, Room H 0104
Friday, September 2, 2022
FUTUREBODY – the Gathering
Register to meet & discuss with Martina Baumann, Lena-Marie Broszeit, Andreas Coenen, Katharina Dermühl, Toni Garbe, Christian Herff, Katrin Kirchert, Eva-Maria Kraft, Laurens Landeweerd, Maria Maia, Thomas Michatsch, Oliver Müller, Elle Nerdinger, Djamal Okoko, Anastasia Osoianu, Enno Park, Melike Sahinol, Reto Schölly, Thomas Stieglitz, Gregor Wollbring, and others
Organised by Sabine Ammon, Vera Borrmann, Christopher Coenen, Wenzel Mehnert, Oliver Müller, and the late Silivia Woll
Registration: futurebody2022@itas.kit.edu
Please indicate wether you would like to participate in the gathering on site or online!
Science Art Film Festival on Tour
Join us without registration for award-winning short films about cyborgs, neurotechnology, artificial intelligence and the future of the human body, and a panel, plus discussion, with Sabine Ammon, Thomas Stieglitz and Sandra Youssef.
FUTUREBODY: The Gathering (registration only)
Sessions consist of a panel (20–25 minutes) in which the panelists comment on the topic of the session from their diverse professional or private perspective, an a plenary discussion (20–25 minutes).
10am: Welcome
10:15am: Users of neurotechnologies and visions of human enhancement (Session 1, including a panel with Katharina Dermühl, Melike Sahinol and Thomas Stieglitz; chaired by Wenzel Mehnert)
11:00am: Break
11:15am: The present & future of living with prostheses (Session 2, including a panel with Martina Baumann, Lena-Marie Broszeit and Toni Garbe; chaired by Sabine Ammon)
Noon: Lunch, exhibits, interactions (with contributions by Barica Emanuel, Eva-Maria Kraft, Laurens Landeweerd, Anastasia Osaianu, Bo Oudendijk, Reto Schölly, and others)
1:30pm: Transformations – Body, mind, technology (Session 3, indluding a panel with Vera Borrmann, Andreas Coenen and Eva-Maria Kraft; chaired by Maria Maia)
2:15pm: Cyborg practices and law (Session 4, brough to us by Cyborgs e.V. and including a panel with Katrin Kirchert, Enno Park and Elle Nerdinger)
3pm: Break
3:15pm: Body and mind – or not? (Sesson 5; including a panel with Christian Herff, Thomas Michatsch, and Oliver Müller; chaired by Christopher Coenen)
4pm: Is all technology assistive? (Session 6, including a panel with Laurens Landeweerd, Djamal Okoko and Gregor Wolbring; chaired by Oliver Müller)
4:45pm: Closing remarks
BIO-FICTION Film Festival Tour (open to the public without registration)
5:30pm: Film screening
6:45pm: Panel with Sabine Ammon, Wenzel Mehnert (chair), Thomas Stieglitz and Sandra Youssef
7:45pm: Questions from the audience and answers by the panelists